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Social & Economic Development Projects 

Support Micro Finance Institutions (MFIs) for Local Entrepreneurs (LEs) selection, Develop training materials for LEs & MFIs, Capacity building of them and linking LEs with MFI & develop Water & Sanitation Catalogue/Flip chart

ADB TA-9575 BAN: Institutionalizing Gender Equality Practices in the Local Government Engineering Department

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and Gap Analysis Study for Shah Cement Industries Ltd.’s Expansion

Capacity Development of the Department of Land Records and Surveys and Modernization of Cadastral Maps’ Storing, Preserving and Retrieval System, Bangladesh

Mid-Term Review (MTR) for the Land Allocation for Social and Economic Development

Procurement Capacity Development Process- Procurement Assessment and Preparation of the Design of a Procurement Capacity Development Plan

ADB TA-4626 BAN: Corporatization of Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB)

Impact of School Sanitation Intervention on Rural Women

End of Program Evaluation: Advancing financial innovations in Bangladesh to meet the water and sanitation needs of the poor

Gender Analysis for Proposed WeCARE Program in Bangladesh

Biogas Generation and Demand Survey in Bangladesh

Survey on Environmental and Social Guidelines in Bangladesh

Legal and regulatory review of Warid telecom in Bangladesh (Present Airtel)

The Assessment of International Development Grant Applications and Evaluation of International Development Programmes

Consultancy Services for Environmental Assessment and Management Training

Consultancy Services for Review of Bilateral and Regional Trade Agreements suggested by Ministry of Commerce in FY 2021-22

Institutional Capacity Assessment Study of Department of Explosives with Detailed Job Descriptions, Standardization of Laboratory and Preparation of DPP to Strengthening of the Department of Explosives

Monitoring, Study on PO Surveys and Capacity Development Activities related to Environmental and Social Considerations for JICA REDP

Assessment of The Main Cities of The Eastern and Northern Provinces of Sri Lanka

ADB TA 7143-BAN: Capacity Development for the Infrastructure Development Company Limited

Project Implementation and Capacity Development under Public Procurement Reform Project II

Participatory Rural Appraisal and baseline survey under Gopalgonj, Madaripur, Shariatpur and Pirojpur Integrated Area Development Project (GMSP-IADP)

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