We have implemented 36 projects in the Power & Energy Sector across 9 countries
We are leading the charge in adoption of solar-based technology in Bangladesh, being the first firm to undertake a comprehensive feasibility study on the potential of floating solar PV in the country
We have helped the Government of Mongolia achieve its vision of energy security by undertaking a comprehensive sectoral assessment that led to our updating the Mongolian Energy Sector Master Plan
The 21st century energy industry faces an unprecedented situation of declining resources. e.Gen, works with governments and development agencies to help them understand and meet these challenges, develop a strategic response, and to effectively manage key organizations. We help energy utilities with the vision of maintaining a competitive edge and achieve positive returns from investments, as well as successfully implement and monitor projects.
Our capabilities span across all stages of the project life cycle from project identification to establishment of commercial operation, and subsequently management. We plan and execute energy projects based on state of the art technology and cost effective solutions, and offer consultancy services on organizational development and engineering & construction supervision. Our engineering and management services are recognized internationally in the fields of grid and off-grid energy, hydroelectric, thermal power generation, power system studies, power sector reform, and transmission & distribution projects.
Our energy experts leverage insights across market valuation and forecasting; financial and economic studies; performance improvement, operations, strategy and regulatory areas; procurement; environmental, and social impact assessments and energy auditing; resettlement and gender action plans and due diligence.