Independent Procurement Review (Audit) of Selected Bank-financed Contracts under the Institutional Reform and Capacity Building Project (IRCBP)
The World Bank Group

Sierra Leone
US$ 21,000
Under the World Bank's Procurement Guidelines (the Guidelines), the World Bank expected to assure itself that procurement and contracting for The Institutional Reform and Capacity Building Project (IRCBP) was carried out in accordance with the procedures specified in the Development Grant Agreement, the Project Appraisal Document (PAD) and the Project Implementation Manuals (PIMs). Only contracts awarded following such procedures were eligible for financing using the proceeds of the IBRD loans /IDA credits.
Intifying and obtaining the essential information on the legal agreements, audits, annual reports from the executing agencies, relevant aide-memoires, contract and disbursement data, etc. at IRCBP before meeting the executing agencies.
Developing a standard "contract review data sheet" to perform the initial documentary review.
Collecting and compiling key procurement data to the greatest extent possible, based on documents made available to the consultant.
The data sheet included factual indicators related to the procurement of goods/works/services for each bid and to the execution of the awarded contract.
Assessed performance and identified patterns, potential deviations or cases of non-conformities.
The consultant selected the sample of 50% of all contracts awarded for review, in accordance with the criteria specified in this TOR.
Finalizing the work plan, scope and program of the review with the executing agencies.