ADB TA-8260 UZB: Business Process Review, Re-Engineering and Development of Online Government Services

Asian Development Bank (ADB)
USD 297,400
In order to improve public access to government of Uzbekistan’s processes, the TA 8260 project was initiated with a projection of four major outputs: (i) Strategy to improve government-public and government-business interface (ii) phased strategies for priority e-government services (iii) action plans for piloting e-government services and (iv) piloted e-government services. The project core focus is on three major government service areas: (i) business registration (ii) property registration and (iii) procurement of public goods. Based on the outcome of BPR, the TA will support the Ministry for Information Technologies and Communications Development (MITCD), the project executing agency (EA) in developing/improving through piloting projects in above service areas as well as integrating them within a Single Portal of Interactive State Services (SPISS).The project requires to conduct review/analysis of business processes for three priority government services (business registration, property registration and e-procurement). It also requires to present international good practices related to the outlined services and conduct an analysis of their adaptation and application while also reviewing the national legislation relevant to all three priority services. Establish baseline indicators based on review of business processes and suggest redesigned workflows within responsible authority (agency) and among government agencies to the end users in order to optimize end-to-end processes automate non-value-added tasks and achieve significant improvements in critical areas (such as cost, quality, service, and response time) through the in-depth use of information technology.