Improvement of Capital Markets and Insurance Governance
Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC)
Finance and Risk
Project Description
The objective of the TA is to strengthen the key institutions responsible for market regulation. Market infrastructure support is essential for a fair, transparent and efficient domestic capital market. The TA will build the capacity of SEC to effectively perform its role as market regulator and to promote and audit corporate governance for listed companies .and listed security issuers. The TA will help CSE and DSE become more effective and efficient in discharging their responsibilities and CDBL to operate efficiently as a central depository of securities.
Strengthening the Market Surveillance Systems.
Further Strengthening the Capacity of SEC, i) Capacity Building ii) Establishment of In-House Training Unit iii) Overseas Secondment iv) Risk Management.
Stock Exchanges, i) Enhancing the Capacity of Management and Governance of the Stock Exchanges ii) Increasing Demand for and Supply of Securities.
Market Intermediaries-Enhancing Capacity and Operating Standard