Country: Kyrgyzstan
Name of Client: Ministry of Transport and Roads of the Kyrgyz Republic; Asian Development Bank (ADB);
Value: US$ 1,219,591
​The Consultant for the civil works contracts as defined in the FIDIC General Conditions of Contract, will continue to assist MOTR, the Executing Agency (EA) for the Project and the Employer for the civil works Contracts, in reviewing and approving the Contractor’s working drawings, supervising the civil rehabilitation works, monitoring the subsequent PBM services for the road sections, and continuing to ensure due compliance with road safety standards, environmental protection measures, and social safeguards. In addition, the Consultant will assist in the procurement of construction works for Section 2, if necessary, during bid evaluation until award of the contract to the winning bidder.
e.Gen as one of the JV Partners performed the following tasks of the experts:
Supervision and Administration –Assist the Employer in overall Contract administration work; Interpret the Technical Specifications and Contract Documents; Review designs, drawings, bill of quantity (BOQ) provisions and specifications; Review and ensure conformity of Contractor’s securities; Review and ensure conformity of Contractor’s insurance policies; Review compliance with the Contract documentation; Inspect the Contractor’s construction equipment, the results of material and soil sample tests; Review and approve finalized or revised ‘Issued for Construction’ drawings; Identify with the Contractor and public utility agencies, all services; Monitor the Contractor’s compliance with and performance; Conduct weekly Site Meetings; Maintain a day-to-day site diary recording; Review the price adjustment data and coefficients included; Develop and implement training programs; Make all necessary tests upon completion; Prepare and issue the Performance Certificate; Attract local specialists to implement other international projects of the company.
Supervision and Administration – PBM phase: The Consultant shall supervise the Contractor's work to ensure unimpeded and uninterrupted traffic; The Consultant shall be responsible for complying with all the requirements; Verify that the required maintenance and service levels specified for each section of the road;
Environmental Safeguard: Ensure the Contractor fulfils and strictly follows the relevant national environmental legislation and the ADB’s Safeguards Policy; Prepare Corrective Action Plans (CAP) as required and needed; Assist MOTR/Investment Projects Implementation Group (IPIG) in implementation by the Contractors of IEE, EMP, SSEMP, and CAP to ensure compliance with environmental safeguards compliance; Assist IPIG in the supervision of the implementation measures aimed at the protection of historical and cultural sites; Assess the cost, responsibilities, schedule, location, and monitoring framework associated with the implementation of the mitigation measures and the EMP; Provide guidance and quality assurance in undertaking the environmental monitoring as outlined in the EMP; Prepare a section in the Project’s monthly progress report on environmental safeguard Compliance; Assist IPIG in compiling semi-annual environmental monitoring reports; Monitor compliance with environmental mitigation, management plans (EMP and SSEMP), and CAP as well as the Contractor’s health and safety plan; Undertake the environmental monitoring as outlined in the EMP and SSEMP; Prepare all related certificates or other relevant papers or documentation.
Social Development and Resettlement Supervision: Monitor and report on the land acquisition and resettlement plan (LARP) implementation, including preparation of semi-annual social safeguards monitoring reports [SSSMRs] based on those complied during the detailed design stages; Assist IPIG in collecting all the needed monitoring data on LARP implementation, including the establishment of a LAR database; Prepare a Completion Report on LARP and due diligence report (DDR) implementation in English, Russian and if necessary, in the Kyrgyz language for review and approval of ADB and MOTR; Prepare a section in the project’s quarterly progress report on resettlement and social safeguard compliance; Regularly monitor implementation of the project grievance redress mechanism and inform MOTR and ADB about any project-related issues, requests and complaints received from and registered by the affected persons, local authorities and other stakeholders; and assist MOTR in addressing complaints related to the LAR and social safeguards during the project; provide all necessary permits, legal opinions and agreements.