Consultancy Services for Review of Bilateral and Regional Trade Agreements suggested by Ministry of Commerce in FY 2021-22
Country: Bangladesh
Name of Client: Ministry of Commerce, Bangladesh
Value: USD 138,728
The Ministry of Commerce intends to apply part of the IDA Credit for procuring consultancy services from qualified research/consultancy firms or institutions to conduct studies selected from the list of studies identified by Ministry of Commerce. These studies aim to develop in-depth understanding about above-mentioned three relevant areas of trade facilitation and are directly linked with the activities of three implementing agencies of the BRCP-1 umbrella project.
Total no. of independent review/study/agreement under this assignment will be limited to approx. 20 (Twenty), whereby 08 (eight) topics have been decided (mentioned below) and the other 12 (twelve) will be decided later on. The following eight (08) studies in 2021-22 fiscal year that are critical for export promotion, trade facilitation and to face the challenges of LDC graduation.
The consortium is studying and reviewing to analyze the followings by doing Document Review, Economic Modelling/simulation/analysis, Questionnaire, Key Informants Interviews, Focus Group Discussion, Data Analysis and reporting:
Comparative analysis (quantitative using economic analysis and further validated through qualitative data) of bilateral trade agreements I policies of Bangladesh and what is the current status of the Bangladesh Bilateral Trade development, incentives and tariff structure with the Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, South Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia and regional trade with SAFTA.
What agency is authorized for trade negotiations and under which ministry/authority and how harmonization of trade related agencies policy/regulations are taking place.
Review the list of trade diversification prospects of at least 08 diversified product and product wise strategy in these country's as potential export destination by using the Economic Modeling
What are the international good practices utilized by the different countries to facilitate better trade policy instruments with a view to expand trade and development; Good practices should reflect applicable comprehensive policy guidelines for the promotion of trade
Are there any possibilities for Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) with these countries including the potential service and investment sector can be identified?
Overall suggestions what kind of reform or changes can be made in the bilateral and regional trade agreements with a view to expand trade between these countries.
Identify the major institutional weakness for Trade Negotiation and trade management in Bangladesh including Implementation Gaps and Procedural Hindrances Identified.
Review the current scenario of Tariff and Non-tariff measures in Bangladesh and its institutional framework, infrastructure facilities and legal structure to facilitate trade in bilateral and regional trade agreements.
Identify the specific items which have the potential for exports from the country and subject to SPS/TBT measures of the importing countries.
Identifying the reforms in Institutional, infrastructure, legal capacity, and presenting prioritized recommendations for necessary improvement in the bilateral trade of the countries and SAFT A with a view to face the LDC Graduation Challenges.