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Country: Bangladesh

Name of Client: Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Value: USD 1,457,935

The technical assistance (TA) project helped to build the capacity of the Bangladesh Local Government Engineering Department (LGED) as well as of four infrastructure agencies, namely, the Bangladesh Railway, Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board (BREB), Dhaka Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (DWASA), and Khulna Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (KWASA) in mainstreaming gender in urban, rural, and water resource infrastructure development. It will train selected women development officers of the Ministry of Women and Children Affairs (MoWCA) mobilize and coordinate a multi-agency monitoring of gender equality results of urban and rural infrastructure development. Overall, the TA is expected to result in women-friendly and gender-responsive urban and rural infrastructure facilities and services.

The scope of work of the international organization covers all components or outputs of the TA and their deliverables are the following:

Output 1: Strengthening capacity of LGED at the central level

  • Training of all (25) LGED GAD Forum members and at least 65 LGED staff at central level in mainstreaming gender in LGED’s core sectors of operations (i.e., rural, urban, and small-scale water resource infrastructure development).

  • Establishment of a coordination mechanism for key units of LGED at central level in planning, delivering, monitoring, reporting gender equality results.

  • Development of a gender equality results monitoring and reporting guide/format for each sector of LGED and integrating this guide/format in LGED’s Gender Information Management System (GIMS).

  • Training of at least 36 LGED monitoring and evaluation (M&E) staff in operating the enhanced GIMS.

  • Training of planning gender equality capacity to integrate and review of integration of gender perspective in project design

  • Ensuring that the data and information collected through the GIMS are appropriately analyzed by the M&E staff and LGED GAD Forum members and reflected in the monitoring reports of the LGED GAD Forum.


Output 2: Strengthening capacity of LGED senior staff and gender committees in 64 districts

  • Training of at least 256 senior staff and 384 members of gender committees of LGED in 64 districts in gender mainstreaming in rural, urban, and small-scale water resource infrastructure development.

  • Gender audit of 64 LGED district offices.

  • Establishment of a coordination system between the LGED GAD Forum and the district gender committees.


Output 3. Increasing knowledge sharing and partnerships among various agencies in gender mainstreaming

  • Training of at least 120 staff of the Bangladesh Railway, Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board (BREB), Dhaka Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (DWASA), and Khulna Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (KWASA) in mainstreaming gender in infrastructure development.

  • Training of at least 128 women affairs officers and 5 programs officers of the Ministry of Women and Children Affairs (MoWCA) in 64 districts.

  • Assist MoWCA in establishing a multi-stakeholder mechanism for monitoring the gender equality results of infrastructure development.

  • Organize and moderate a sub-regional conference on good practices and lessons in mainstreaming gender in infrastructure development in South Asia.

  • Organize and moderate a training of LGED, Bangladesh Railway, BREB, DWASA, KWASA, and MoWCA on international models of gender inclusive infrastructure facilities and services.

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