ADB LOAN-3427 CAM: Upper Secondary Education Sector Development Program - USESDP-CS-01 Project Implementation and Monitoring Consultant
Country: Cambodia
Name of Client: Asian Development Bank (ADB)/ Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MoEYS)
Value: USD 1,970,868.48
The impact USESDP will be high-quality human resources developed. The outcome will be effectiveness of the upper secondary education system improved. The outputs of the program will be: (i) access to upper secondary education improved; (ii) quality and relevance of upper secondary education improved; and (iii) institutional capacity for planning, management, and delivery of education strengthened.
The consulting firm will provide support and assistance to the PCU in the management of program implementation, including financial management, monitoring and evaluation (M&E), social and environmental safeguards monitoring, ICT planning and management, as well as civil works supervision. The specialists will be required to work in close cooperation and collaboration with counterpart staff assigned to implement USESDP at both the national and provincial levels. In so doing, it is anticipated there will be considerable capacity building of counterpart staff in the execution of their duties.
Assist MoEYS in the (a) review of science and math curriculum, (b) development of textbooks and teacher guides, (c) training of teacher trainers, (d) strengthening of assessment and examination systems, and (e) design and implementation of an M&E system for upper secondary schools, particularly the secondary resource schools;
Coordinate and collaborate with the institutional partner selected by MoEYS to provide technical inputs in the various aspects of the program, such as: (a) review of PRESETT and INSETT curricula for teacher training; (b) enhancement of teacher competencies for science, math, and ICT USE teachers; (c) M&E of the effectiveness of teacher training; and (d) design and delivery of school management training;
Assist MoEYS and PCU in the preparation of the ICT curriculum for upper secondary students enrolled in the science stream;
Assist PCU in the design and conduct of training and capacity building for staff of the new Department of Information Technology to be established in MoEYS, including the preparation of training materials and serving as technical resource person in the training workshops;
Establish a participatory approach to M&E, identify potential stakeholders whose feedback would be required/desirable, and establish the M&E requirements for identified program activities;
Develop a Project Financial Management Manual to guide project financial management and to provide a base for training; Prepare training materials suitable for the training of PCU national staff in the standards and procedures of ADB financial management.