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Country: Bangladesh

Name of Client: Bangladesh

Value: US$ 100,000

The objective of the engagement is to put in place the institutional infrastructure and competency to reduce long-term disaster vulnerability in Dhaka. It would address both the existing built environment as well as future development. The key output will be supporting the development of the organization within RAJUK and the Urban Resilience Unit (URU) to mobilize DRM mainstreaming and improving Dhaka urban resilience. Core to the success and implementation of component C of the Bangladesh Urban Resilience Project (URP) is institutional strengthening by the creation of a new organizational unit in RAJUK and termed as the Urban Resilience Unit (URU). In addition to technical and scientific competencies, URU will have the laboratory and field equipment to undertake various structural and soil tests for determining and assessing the condition and capacities of building elements and the geo-technical environment. These include destructive and non-destructive in-situ testing and lab testing. This will provide essential data for tracking construction quality and establishing norms and standards to improve construction.

The consultant will be responsible for delivering an inception report that proposes how these operations of the project will be developed, validated, implemented, and sustained in the long term. Upon agreement with RAJUK’s PIU on the inception report, the consultant will engage into the project itself and deliver the following outputs under following operations:

Operation 1: Institutional design and Organizational Study

  • Study the institutional feasibility of the URU.

  • Review the initial organizational chart and human resource allocation diagram provided by RAJUK.

  • Undertake an organizational analysis to provide the following elements: Structural and administrative setup of URU, organizational chart, positions, workflow process, reporting relationships, job descriptions, monitoring and evaluation, proposed classifications, performance evaluation attributes.

  • Study similar institutions in developing countries that could be a model to the URU and where experience can be drawn from.

  • Define the office operations including hardware, software needs specifications.

  • Identify operational control procedures, monitoring and evaluation mechanism, and performance criteria

  • Undertake internal consultations with RAJUK and the Ministry of Housing and Public Works to validate all assumptions, findings, and recommendations.

  • Suggest study tours for senior staff to examine operations and functions of similar technical governmental organizations.

  • Development of an effective organogram and organizational structure identifying the different core functions of the URU and projected manpower requirements for the URU in RAJUK.

  • Define the roles and responsibilities (with particular focus on both decision makers and field experts), inter-engagement processes and term of references for each position.

  • Define workflow diagrams.

  • Define and propose recommendations for any changes or needs foreseen in administrative, operations, institutions, and legal frameworks.

  • Submit draft and final reports.

Operation 2: Design, conduct and assess a community out-reach campaign.

  • Design a community out-reach aimed at raising awareness on disaster risk and particularly on earthquake risk.

  • Part of the community outreach campaign should be directed to the general public, mainly to disseminate basic information about earthquake risk and what to do before, during and after an earthquake. It should seek to be disseminated thru partnership with media and NGOs.

  • Another part should be directed towards professional organizations, mainly developers, garment industry, real-estate industry and tourism industry, utilities, service providers.

  • A third component should be addressed towards schools, teachers and educators.

  • Develop and submit all relevant documentation related to the training including curriculum, evaluations, and plan for improvements in the future.

  • The implementation of the campaign should be through partners including media, NGOs, service providers and others.

Operations 3: Training and Capacity building to URU staff

These training and capacity building for URU staff will be conducted only after approval of the effective organogram and organizational structure and the related hiring process of all the members and staff is completed.

  • In consultation with RAJUK and the PIU, formulate a capacity building program to train URU technical staff and managers on core topics related to urban resilience.

  • The technical training curriculum

  • Identify, organize, and conduct study tours for and propose educational opportunities that can be supported by the project.

  • Develop and submit all relevant documentation related to the training including curriculum, evaluations, and plan for improvements in the future.

  • Responsible for monitoring and evaluation of URU operations and support to URU management to reach optimal functionality for a period of 1 year after organizational structure and the related hiring process of all the members and staff is completed.

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